The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival will hold auditions for its upcoming summer production of William Shakespeare’s King Lear. The auditions will take place on May 7, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at The Benjamin Upper School Theater (4875 Grandiflora Road) in Palm Beach Gardens.
Interested actors are asked to bring a headshot and resume along with a prepared one- or two-minute Shakespearean monologue. Rehearsals begin June 11. This is a non-Equity production.
This year’s festival runs during Shakespeare by the Sea XXXIV at the Seabreeze Amphitheater in Carlin Park July 11–14 and July 18–21, followed by an encore production during Shakespeare by the Palms IV in Royal Palm Beach Commons Park July 25–28. All performances start at 8 p.m.
Those unable to attend the open audition in person may upload their resume, headshot, and video monologue to pbshakespeare.org/submit-resume. For more information, visit pbshakespeare.org or call 561-543-8276 for more information.